Thursday 16 October 2014

Wordpress on Ubuntu 14.04

Wordpress is a free to use tool to create easy and fast your own website or blog. This entry shows how to easily install it on your own PC to use it as a webserver.
The installation is done on an Ubuntu 14.04LTS system. The installation is split in 3 steps and can be done in a few minutes.

Installation of the Server

Apache 2 is the most common web server application and is widely supported. Together with PHP and MySQL it provides a full capable web server. To install it with all the needed packages can be done with the following command.
$ sudo apt-get install lamp-server^
Download the latest version of wordpress from its server or get it with
$ wget
and unzip it and into the directory /var/www/html/
sudo tar -xvzf latest.tar.gz -C /var/www/html/

Allow Wordpress to use your MySQL Server

Set up your MySQL Server so wordpress can access its database. I'd recommend to create new user with its independent database for wordpress to keep it separated from any other projects you might be running.
The MySQL Server can be updated using its own shell.
$ mysql -u root -p
There you can manage your databases and users. To create a wordpress user with its database we need the following 4 commands.
CREATE USER 'wordpressUser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpress . * TO 'wordpressUser'@'localhost';
Quit the MySQL Shell with the command

Install Wordpress

We are now ready to run the installation of wordpress. For this call your website in the browser at localhost/wordpress. Follow the instructions to complete the installation.
It might be possible that installation is not able to load the content when you try to access the web site from another server. In this case access the websites admin tool from your local host. On the page Settings you can change the web sites location from localhost to its actual address. This should solve the problem.


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